It is almost impossible to avoid single-use plastics and waste in our busy lives.
I'm going to share some simple ways that you can make a big difference.
1) Carry a reusable [water] bottle or cup.
You don't only have to put water in it!
Ya'll, this silicone water bottle is so cool!
Not only does it save you space, butttt it is also dishwasher safe, can carry hot and cold drinks, leakproof, and can attach to a bag!
I would suggest to wash it before using for the first time.
Click Here to get yours!
2) Get some reusable metal straws!
I know you hear this all the time.. Straws kill sea turtles.. yada yada yada... I'm not going to tell you what you already know, but I will tell you this...
Straws are not truly recyclable. It takes 500 years for plastic to decompose. And the US alone uses about 500 million plastic straws per day!
That Sucks! (...get it?...)
You don't have to give up your love for straws! Just get reusable ones!
(I hear there are some really cool bamboo straws out there too)
Click Here to get yours!
3) If you seen trash, pick it up

This isn't very difficult, and makes a huge difference. I'm not expecting you to go out scouting for trash, but if you see a bag, napkin, or plastic just pick it up and dispose of it properly..
If you have some spare time on your hands. Make a statement. Spell SAVE THE PLANET. Take a picture. Tag #savetheplanetmovement #gypsydeloceano. And of course, properly dispose of the debris.
4) Take your own to-go boxes to restaurants
Would you check this out!!!
These containers come in 4 different sizes! They are microwave, freezer, and dishwasher safe!
And, they collapse making it super easy to carry around with you!
Even though plastic is more present than styrofoam, styrofoam is more toxic to the environment than plastic is.
Think about how many togo boxes are probably used and trashed/littered every day.
Click Here to get yours!
5) Quit Smoking!

I know this doesn't apply to everyone. I also know it's not that easy to quit (not from personal experience). But quit throwing your cigarette butts out into nature. I bet you don't even realize you're doing it 90% of the time.
Cigarette butts are the #1 littered item. Even over all of that plastic found out there! I did a beach cleanup once and by myself I picked up 553 cigarette butts in an hour...
The chemicals in cigarettes are harsh enough to kill people. They can kill Mother Nature too.
The new and popular JUUL doesn't completely resolve the problem because the pods need to be replaced and cannot be recycled, but at least they don't have all of the extra chemicals.
Baby steps y'all. You can do it.
I know you hear the same tips everywhere and all of the time. But, do you actually follow through with it? We're telling you this for a reason.
These little things when done by a lot of people can really go a long way.
Every big change starts with one person.
Spread the word. Make others aware. Inspire people to make a difference!
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