The Backstory
Going into college I had a plan for my entire life. So much has changed since then... My plan was to follow my 5-year-old dream of being an aquatic veterinarian. Within a year and a half of animal science classes at Berry college (forever a viking! <3) I realized it wasn't for me, so I transferred to Eckerd College to focus on Marine Biology. After a semester, I realized that I did not want to be stuck in a lab my whole life either. I decided to take a year off to discover myself and figure out what study I miss or what path I want to follow.​
During this time off I finally discovered this wandering, gypsy soul I have while falling more and more in love with the ocean.
I went through a couple different restaurant jobs, volunteered at the Florida Aquarium, and created a whole new life. I was that 20 yr old that left to discover herself and attempted to figure out how this whole adulting thing works (has anyone ever actually figured that out??). I learned that I love to talk to people and to tell stories. I learned that I am extremely passionate about conservation, and inspiring the public to make a difference. I discovered my need for travel, and my curiosity of the life lived by others around the world. I grasped the fact that I am mature, unique and special and that I CAN do that thing! I also learned that I'm still a kid and I have a lot more learning to do.
The Process
I am now 26, a graduate from Kennesaw State University, a scuba divemaster, a homesteader, and refill store owner!
From August 2021 through January 2022, we spent our time volunteering, exploring, and spending time with family in Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. I learned incredible skills and met people from all walks of life. I discovered my faith and that God and family are my priority. I have always had a giving heart, but I truly discovered that nothing is actually about me. Everything that I do should reflect my values of my faith, family and the Earth. I hope that I can lead a life of example and inspiration.
Now, I am back in Georgia as a homesteader in training with my husband, Zane. My life is starting to not consistently change, and it is time for me to embrace that stillness and just ride the wave! I have opened my dream business, The Earth Pantry - a local refill store, and I am excited for it to grow! In this new stillness, I will remain consistent in my care for this Earth and I will always find away to live a life of adventure and happiness.
The Dream
My dream is to promote a lifestyle that is full of adventure and love while conserving our incredible God-blessed Earth. I want to show people first hand how we are affecting our oceans and what we can do about it. Sustainability is not about perfection, it is a lens to see your actions through.
My philosophy of life is joy. You should love everything that you do. If your heart and soul isn’t into it than why are you doing it? Life will get hard, but even the hardest of moment, the joy of life and the love of Jesus are always present. I hope to leave a mark on everyone that I meet. I want to push them to be their very best and to love it.
I am going to leave you with this.
Even though you're just 1 person, everything you do makes a difference.
The day is only going to be as good as you make it.
Prayer and community are essential.
Smile. Laugh. Let those happy thoughts lift you up, and let your compass lead you.
Lots of Love,
Alexia Redman <3 :)
The Gypsy del Oceano